
On smartphone, you can long-press a button to show a tooltip.

On desktop and web, you can hover the mouse over a button to show a tooltip.

Adventures list

The first screen of the application allows you to create/delete/edit/restore an Adventure.

The list of adventures is retrieved from your local storage.
If you enable the online storage, the list is also retrieved from this storage and only the most recent version of each Adventure in these lists will be displayed.
For instance, if you are on your desktop on which you played an Adventure 5 days ago, and you played the same Adventure on your smartphone 2 days ago, the online version from 2 days ago will be displayed. If you open it and save it, then the local version will be updated, and the local and online versions will be the same.

If you use an online storage and plan to play offline, e.g. on your smartphone, consider synchronizing the storages from your smartphone, or opening and saving the adventure you plan to play offline.

If something went wrong while saving an Adventure, you can Restore it from a backup or from a previous version on your online storage.
Just put the backup Adventure file somewhere on your local drive and select it when restoring (see Storage to learn how to find the Adventure file, i.e. in index.json).
If you want to import a completely new Adventure from a file, just create a new empty Adventure, Restore it from the file, and continue when warned about an Adventure mismatch, which occurs when the ID of the Adventure in the file does not match the ID of the Adventure you are restoring.

There is Backup button that allows to backup all your local Adventures.

Adventure screen

On smartphone, the App is split in 3 sections:

  • Oracles: where you can roll on the Fate chart, Meaning tables and dice. This should be your go-to tab while you play a scene.
  • Scenes: where you can manage your adventure using the Mythic tools: the Threads and Characters lists, the Chaos factor and the Scenes. This is where you should go to start a new scene.
  • More: where you manage the data of your adventure: the threads and characters you created to fill the Mythic lists, player characters and notes.

Threads and Characters lists

There are two lists for Threads/Characters:

  • the active list is the list as in the Mythic book, where you can have several instances of the same thread/character, which is represented by a counter on the right that you can modify accordingly. This representation was chosen to save space.
    This list can be found in the “Scenes > Threads/Characters” on smartphone, or on the top of the screen on desktop in full screen.
  • the management list lists the individual threads/characters, which will still be available even if they are no more present in the active list. This allows you to have a history of all your threads/characters, even if they are no more active in the Mythic sense.
    You can click on the “+ list” icon to add them to the active list or increment their counter if they are already there.
    This list is used for managing threads/characters in the App and is not part of the Mythic workflow.
    It can be found in “More > Threads/Characters” on smartphone, or in the Threads/Characters tab on desktop in full screen.

You can create a thread/character from both lists.
If you create it from the active list, it will be added to the management list and also added to the active list with a counter of 1.
If you create it from the management list, you have to manually add it to the active list with the “+ list” icon.

If you decrement a thread/character to 0 in the active list, it will be removed from this list but not from the management list, where you can add it back to the active list if need be.

Random events

The Random events with a focus of NPC or Thread are rolled on the active Threads/Characters lists.
If a list is empty and the focus of the event is related to this list, then the focus is switched to CurrentContext. For instance if “NPC Negative” is rolled and the active Characters list is empty, the event focus will become CurrentContext.

When a focus is related to a list, the impacted Thread/Character is rolled according to Mythic rules, which may yield a result of “Choose”.
If you don’t like to choose, you can disallow this result in the Global Settings.

Roll Log

You can copy to the clipboard the result of a Meaning Table roll by pressing the roll result at least 1 second.
This is available in the Roll log and in the bottom sheet displayed when rolling on smartphones.

Global Settings

  • Allow to roll “Choose” in the Characters and Threads lists
    In Mythic rules, when you roll on a List, you may end up rolling an entry that does not have a thread or character, in which case you have to Choose an item yourself.
    If you don’t want to have to choose and always want to roll a valid entry, then uncheck this setting.

Web App

The App is available at

For a traditional web site online experience, consider checking Use Google Drive and Disable local storage.
The Web App is not available offline, so the local storage is not useful.

You can resize the window of your browser from full-screen to mobile size: the App adapts its layout accordingly.

Browser compatibility

The recommended browsers are Chrome or Edge.

Here are the tested browsers on each OS. Other browsers may be compatible.

  • Windows
    • Chrome and Edge: fully functional.
  • MacOS
    • Safari: local storage not supported. Use Google Drive and Disable local storage.
    • Chrome: fully functional.
  • iOS
    • Safari: Not supported.
    • Chrome: local storage not supported. Use Google Drive and Disable local storage.
  • Linux: Not tested.
  • Android: Not tested. Use the Android App.


The Web version can be “installed” as an application on desktop and mobile.
It will appear on your home screen on mobile and on your desktop/taskbar/dock on desktop.

This feature is provided by the browser and the OS and is implemented differently depending on the platform:

  • Desktop with Chrome/Edge: when on the web site, click the “Install” icon in the navigation bar, on the right, and follow the instructions.
  • MacOS: on Safari, click the Share icon on the top right of the browser and select Add to Dock. On Chrome, same as Desktop, and the App will be available in the Finder.
  • iOS: on Chrome only, same as Desktop, then select Add to Home Screen. Safari is not supported.

More info

Local storage is currently not supported on iOS and by Safari on MacOS. You can use the application only if you Use Google Drive and Disable local storage.
Safari is not supported on iOS: the authentication popup for Google Drive does not open. Use Chrome instead.

Each browser where you open the Web version is its own App with its own local storage. So the list of adventures and the settings will be blank the first time you open the site on a specific browser.
If you use a remote storage, you can synchronize the adventures to update your local storage. Otherwise, you can “import” existing adventures from the data folder of the Windows or Android App, or a backup: create a new Adventure and restore it as described in Adventures list. If you plan to use the App on several browsers, consider checking Disable local storage.

To log into the remote storage, the App creates a new tab to log you in that is closed when the login is successful. You may need to authorize popups if your browser blocks them. Also, Chrome on mobile may not close the new tab automatically: you may have to close it manually and/or return to the original tab.

The local storage of the App is not accessible. This is a restriction of the browser platform.
You are encouraged to make backups of your adventures from the Adventures list view.

The Application tracks information about the browser that loads it (OS and browser). This allows to have an idea of how many people use the Web version. This kind of metric is provided by Google out of the box on Android but must be implemented explicitly for the Web version.
No personal data is stored.


Your adventure and global settings are saved locally, and optionally on an online storage.

A save occurs 5 seconds after the last modification to an adventure or setting. The last saved date of an adventure is indicated in the interface.
Only the currently opened adventure is saved.

Here is the layout of the saved data in the application folder:

  • settings.json: the global settings
  • adventures: the folder where adventures are stored
    • index.json: the list of adventures. You can lookup the ID of an Adventure from its name in this file.
    • <adventure ID>.json: the content of each Adventure
  • meaning_tables: the folder containing the Custom Meaning Tables if any

On Windows, the Preferences are saved in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\IDispatch\Mythic GME Adventures\shared_preferences.json, and the online storage refresh token is stored in the encrypted file C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\IDispatch\Mythic GME Adventures\flutter_secure_storage.dat

Local storage

The data is saved by default in the platform-specific user folder.
You can change this folder in the Preferences.
On the Web, the local storage is hidden by the browser and cannot be accessed or changed.

On desktop, if you are not using the online storage, consider setting the user folder into your local Google Drive / OneDrive / Dropbox folder to get backup and versioning for free.
If you are using the online storage in the application, you MUST NOT set this folder to your local online folder for the reasons explained in the section below: your synchronization application will write the local files to the online storage and, since Mythic GME Adventures can see only the files it created itself, it won’t be able to read these files, and you may end-up having two copies of the same file, the one from the application and the one from your synchronization application.
Of course, if you use 2 different online storages, e.g. Google Drive and Dropbox, there is no issue with setting the local data folder inside the Dropbox folder.

Online storage

In addition to saving the data to your local drive, you can also save it to Google Drive. It will be saved in the folder Mythic GME Adventures at the root of your Drive.

When you activate the online storage, the application will request access to your Drive with very restrictive permissions: it will be able to see only the files/folders it created.
This is obviously desirable for confidentiality reasons but it has some drawbacks: you cannot update/customize the application files yourself because the application won’t be able to see them, even the files in Mythic GME Adventures. And there is no way for you to give permission to the application to see a specific file or folder. This is why you must use the application to upload Custom Meaning Tables to the online storage.

When uploading Custom Meaning Tables, you must select the folder that contains the language folders.
On the Web, you must select a zip file containing the language folders.

When you use the online storage, beware of having several applications opened at the same time on your different devices, as these may overwrite each other’s data.

When online storage is enabled, you have the option to Disable local storage.
This might be useful if you want to make the online version of an Adventure more recent than its local version.
For instance, you recently saved an Adventure on your smartphone online, and when you come back to your desktop, which you kept offline, you mistakenly saved the same Adventure, with obsolete data because the most current data is online. In this case, if you go back online on your desktop, the most recent version will be the local one, which is not correct. The solution here is to disable the local storage, and save the Adventure’s online version to update its save date and make it the most current. Then you can re-enable the local storage.
This is also useful for the Web App to have a full online experience, or if the browser does not support local storage.

Custom Meaning Tables

All the Meaning Tables from the book are available in English and embedded in the application.

You can create your own tables or customize existing ones or create translations. The customized tables must be put in your local data directory if you do not use an online storage, or uploaded via the application otherwise (see Online storage).
If you use the online storage, only the tables in the online storage will be used, and not the ones in the local storage; both sources are not merged.

The custom tables are stored in <data_folder>/meaning_tables/<language> where <language> is an ISO-639-1 code, e.g. en for English and <data_folder> is the folder defined in the Preferences dialog.
On the Web, the data folder is not accessible, so you must import a zip file containing the language folders at the root.

The language folder must contain one JSON file per table, with this format:

	"id": "actions",
	"name": "Actions",
	"order": 10,
	"characterTrait": null,
	"entries": [
	"entries2": [
  • id: the ID of the table. When customizing or creating a translation for an existing table, it must be the same ID as the customized/translated table.
  • name: the text displayed in the application. Mandatory if you create a new table, optional if you customize or translate.
  • order: the display order in the list. It overrides the alphabetical order. It is optional and can be customized. It defaults to 1000.
  • characterTrait: the label of the trait when rolling the traits in the Notes of a Character, e.g. "Motivation". If not null, the table is displayed in the available traits to roll for a Character. It can be an empty string. If it is null in a customization of a stock table, it removes the table from the traits list.
  • entries: the entries in the table. Mandatory if you create a new table, optional if you customize or translate.
  • entries2: an optional additional list of entries for the second Meaning Table roll. If not present, the 2 rolls will be done on entries.

The tables can have an arbitrary number of entries and not necessarily 100.

The table file can be named as you wish but must end with .json. It’s better to name it using the ID of the table though, e.g. actions.json.

The tables in the application are sorted by favorite, then order, then alphabetically.


  • To create a new table custom_table, create the file meaning_tables/en/custom_table.json:
      "id": "custom_table",
      "name": "Custom table",
      "entries": [
          "Entry 1",
          "Entry 2"
  • To translate the descriptions table to French, create the file meaning_tables/fr/descriptions.json:
      "id": "descriptions",
      "name": "Description",
      "entries": [
      "entries2": [
  • To customize the order of character_traits_flaws, create the file meaning_tables/en/character_traits_flaws.json:
      "id": "character_traits_flaws",
      "order": 1

Here are the IDs of the tables shipped with the application:


The tables actions, descriptions, characters, locations, objects have the order 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 respectively.