Will my language be supported in Meaning Tables?

There are about 4500 words to translate.

If you are interested in creating a translation, I can bootstrap it with automatic translations by Google, and you will have to double-check the 4500 words because translating each word without context does not work too well.
But maybe translating all the tables is not necessary: translating the most used ones or the ones with the most advanced vocabulary might be enough.

In any case, to start the process, you must create an issue in GitHub.

Currently only French is supported.

Will the application be translated into my language?

It is not planned.
The wording is pretty basic and if the user managed to read the Mythic GME rules, understanding the interface won’t be a problem.

Will the application support OneDrive / Dropbox?

The code is designed to support different online storages.

I did not investigate these 2 options, but if there is enough demand I may consider it.

Will the application be available for iOS / macOS?

Apple requires developers to pay a license to publish applications for iOS / macOS. It costs $99 per year.

If the application has a moderate level of success, I may buy this license, provided the Mythic GME owner allows me to charge a minimal fee ($1 or so) for the App.

If someone is willing to build and publish an iOS / macOS version free of charge, they can contact me.

The application is ugly. Do you plan to do something about it?

Unfortunately I’m not a designer.
I did my best to make the application functional, but I am no artist.

Suggestions are welcome.